Wonder how you can save money on treadmills? It’s simple! The key is to identify your best choice that will give you the best features, warranties, and price.
The problem with buying a treadmill, however, is that the industry will give you a lot of options until you’re confused about which one to get. Of course, manufacturers will highlight the good qualities and features of their product, even though, in reality, they are not really worth their price.
So, how do you save money on treadmills? This article shall serve as your guide in choosing the best treadmill that is worth every buck you’ll spend.
Some companies or manufacturers will present extended warranties for their treadmills. Always say no to such offer as this may only be a marketing trap. For most quality treadmills, the original warranty period they offer is often enough and extended warranties are no longer needed.
Hence, it is best to choose a treadmill that offers great warranty that covers the frame, parts, and labor or service for a significant time period – but with no extensions!
You don’t need a very large and thick running belt for your treadmill. In fact, the larger the tread belt, the more power the motor needs to generate just to keep it running. Also, thick belts produce additional heat that tends to reduce their life.
So, save a few bucks by choosing a treadmill with a belt that has the right size and thickness. What’s important is that you can run on it comfortably. The standard 20”x 60” belt should be just right for you, especially if the treadmill is mostly for leisure use.
Another way to save money on treadmills is to choose one with a few preset workout programs. More often than not, treadmill users do not need a lot of pre-programmed workouts. One or two programs should be enough.
Treadmills with a lot of workout programs generally cost more. If you won’t be needing all of them, it is better to stick with one that has few selections but is definitely cheaper in price.
The answer will most likely be no, as heart rate straps are very uncomfortable to use when running. Although it may seem to be an advanced feature for some first-rate treadmills, when offered to you, say no to it so you won’t be charged any additional cost.
Instead, go with a treadmill that features heart rate handgrips that monitor your heart rate through the handle bars. Not only are they comfortable to use, they also do not offer any extra charge!
All other things equal, foldable treadmills usually cost more than non-foldable units. So, if the ability to fold your machine is not too much of a big deal to you, you may want to cut down your cost by choosing the latter. Although folding treadmills really do save space in your room, if you don’t really need the extra space, why not settle for a non-foldable unit?
Now, you know the simple but useful ways on how to save money on
treadmills. If your budget is limited, let this guide help you cut down
your cost in buying a treadmill for you and your family.
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