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iFIT Reviewed

What is It?


iFit is a feature found in select branded treadmills manufactured by Icon.

These brands include Reebok, Proform, Nordic Track, Image, and HealthRider. With it, your treadmill will provide you the motivation, coaching and fitness personalization you won’t find in any ordinary fitness machine.

Please take note that if you purchase a treadmill without this feature, you won’t be able to upgrade it. So if you want this feature in your treadmill, you need to buy a compatible machine.

Its Benefits...

When you buy an iFIT-compatible treadmill, you’ll get a CD, video, and Internet programs that automatically controls the speed, incline, or resistance of your machine so you’ll know you're getting a complete and effective workout every time.

But you can always push your machine’s SPEED, INCLINE, or RESISTANCE buttons to override the offered programs if ever you can’t keep up.

With this feature, you would also get your own personal trainer. He would provide encouragement and instructions with an upbeat music while guiding you through a compalete workout.

This feature also offers scenic workouts through their website, where you can run along popular places all over the US and Canada.

How Does It Work?

It uses patent-pending technology to interactively control your fitness equipment. Digital cues are sent from their web site, compact discs, and videos to vary resistance, speed, and incline functions according to workouts developed by personal trainers.

With an internet connection you can connect to their website and be guided by a certified fitness trainer in your workouts. But even without an internet connection you would still benefit from this feature through the CDs and videos by providing goal specific workouts without requiring a computer or the internet.

But you would always have the choice if you want to use the feature or not. If you decide not to, simply press the MODE button and select MANUAL. Use your manual controls to select your desired speed, time, resistance, and incline intensity or you can select and run built-in workouts.

iFIT® Live

Newer Icon-manufactured treadmills are now equipped with iFIT® live with access to This new feature lets you experience trails all over the world as if you're on it through Google maps™. To further enhance your experience, this feature automatically adjust your incline to simulate the physical nature of the terrain.

You can also workout with Jillian Michaels, customize your own workout program, automatically download new workouts and manage your profile online through their website. You can even add competition to your workouts by inviting Facebook® friends to race against you in 5K races.

Other features include a nutrition and activity tracker, motivating text messages and emails, and workout videos available for download.


To conclude, this is a nice feature to have in your treadmill. But I don’t believe that it is necessary. I mean, if it comes with your treadmill, then good, but if it doesn’t then that’s ok too. Don’t let this feature be the reason why you buy a treadmill. Always buy a treadmill that fits your need and your budget.

If you want to learn more about this feature and its benefits, I suggest you visit the iFIT website.

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