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by Sandy
(Mesa, Arizona)

Owner - Reebok Rx9200 - Model RBTL22920. Solid treadmill. No complaints. I workout 6 days/week for 5 years still runs great.

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Reebok treadmill

by Danny
(Norco Ca.)

I will never buy another reebok treadmill again. I've had problems from day one. The speed always changes will not stay the same. It drives me crazy!!!! Maybe I got a lemon, but what really ticks me off is it cost me about $800.00 what a waste...

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Trouble to work on.

by Jay

I had to remove walking belt from front motor so I could carry it upstairs. The drive belt that runs from the motor to the front roller had to be removed. It is impossible to get it back on. There is no way to release the tension to get the belt on and then retighten. Very poor design. I'm guessing they do this to ensure you must call a repair service to fix it for you.

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Reebok V 7.90 was a GREAT VALUE!


We bought a Reebok at Costco on 27 November 2009:

Reebok CrossWalk V 7.90 Folding Treadmill
$599.99 after $200 OFF
CrossWalk® Upper-Body Arms
iFit® Workout Card Technology
Compatible Music Port for iPod®
Intermix Acoustics™ 2.0
16 Personal Trainer Workouts
DMX ™ Cushioning
1–10 MPH Precision QuickStep™ Speed
0–10% QuickStep™ Incline
Backlit Workout Display
Workout Intensity Control
CoolAire™ Workout Fan
SpaceSaver® Design
Dual-Grip Accurate™ Heart Rate Monitor
300 lb. Weight Capacity
Warranty Lifetime Frame, 25-Year Motor and 1-Year Parts & Labor.
Item # 461884

My wife (5'5"/130lbs), My daughter (5'6", 125lbs) and myself (5'10"/215lbs) used this primarily for running for about an average 1 hour each, every other day until my daughter moved out 1 year later.

My wife and I continued the same for about another year, then it was half walking/running for both of us, my wife every other day, myself every 3rd day.

Then in the 4th thru 5th years my wife walked an average of 2 hours every other day and I walked 70% of the time every 3-4 days until it died about 2 weeks ago. And for which I am now looking for a replacement.

For us, that was excellent value.

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Reebok RX6200

by Tammy

After 4 years of continuous duty, being dragged thru 3 different cities, and whittling me down 40 pounds, this treadmill has been a trustworthy workhorse. It has been the lifeblood of my fitness routine. I can only be appreciative of its good working functions. This honestly rates a 5 star from me! Oh, only one caveat - it is very heavy and awkward to bring around - especially by a petite 120 lb woman all by herself!

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Reebok Treadmill

by Kathy

You can buy the Reebok 8100 ES at Sam's Club right now for $700. That's not a bad price for the features it has and for the Reebok name.

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by Sherrie

I have had my S9.80 Reebok folding treadmill for just 19 months. I had it in the same spot in the living room from day one. When it was plugged in it was on a surge protector. I never sweat on or had any liquids near the console. Last week it started speeding up randomly while showing a speed of 0, then the buttons wouldn't work from time to time and just beeped. After one week of that the console would come on but no longer respond. The manufacturer, after 4 unanswered emails and being on hold for 10 min on the phone, Icon Fitness would take no responsibility for a faulty product. They wanted me to pay $482 for a new console after already paying $700 just 19 months ago! This is entirely infuriating. A company should make a product that lasts and take responsibility for it, esp. when a customer has taken extremely good care of a product and it is no fault of the customer's.

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Oct 18, 2011
Final Update
by: Sherrie

A representative from Costco contacted us and after one month and much hassle, on the Costco rep’s part with ICON Fitness, the treadmill was returned and refunded. Costco has great customer service but ICON, even in dealing with its partners, has awful customer service. Writing letters and not being willing to accept shoddy products and service worked in this case.

The new motor control did not work. From the first try after installment the treadmill did the same things. I tried calling the tech’s number on 8/31 and 9/1. No reply. The letter that I had mailed to ICON I had also sent the letter to the Better Business Bureaus in Louisiana and Utah. The LA BBB was lacking in reading comprehension and thought the complaint was against Costco, though it clearly stated it was against ICON, and forwarded my letter to the BBB in Washington. On 9/1 I received a call from a person at Costco headquarters in Washington. I explained that the complaint was not against Costco at all. She said she’d call ICON right away and get them to deal with my treadmill. Shortly after we hung up a different person from ICON called me back. After going through the same diagnostic checks as before she said they’d send a new console panel out. Then she tersely told me that this was the last thing they would do for this treadmill. The new console panel arrived on 9/8 and was installed on 9/11. I used it on 9/12 and it still doesn’t work properly. The treadmill sped up suddenly and then cycled through different speeds like 0.0, 0.3, etc. I am beyond frustrated at this point.

The part that the ICON tech sent out arrived on 8/15 and is now replaced in my treadmill today, 8/21. He has not called to check on it but I will test out how it works for a while. Hopefully this is the end of the problem.

Update: A week ago (7/28/2011)I wrote a letter and sent it out to ICON and others. Today (8/8/2011) I got a call from a tech at ICON who walked me through checking the panel and determined the part that may be needed, motor controller. He's sending out the part ASAP and will check back with me next week. He was very nice and knowledgeable. I really hope this part fixes the treadmill. Writing letters helps. Updates to come.

Sep 12, 2011
Awful Update
by: Sherrie

The new motor control did not work. From the first try after installment the treadmill did the same things. I tried calling the tech’s number on 8/31 and 9/1. No reply. The letter that I had mailed to ICON I had also sent the letter to the Better Business Bureaus in Louisiana and Utah. The LA BBB was lacking in reading comprehension and thought the complaint was against Costco, though it clearly stated it was against ICON, and forwarded my letter to the BBB in Washington. On 9/1 I received a call from a person at Costco headquarters in Washington. I explained that the complaint was not against Costco at all. She said she’d call ICON right away and get them to deal with my treadmill. Shortly after we hung up a different person from ICON called me back. After going through the same diagnostic checks as before she said they’d send a new console panel out. Then she tersely told me that this was the last thing they would do for this treadmill. The new console panel arrived on 9/8 and was installed on 9/11. I used it on 9/12 and it still doesn’t work properly. The treadmill sped up suddenly and then cycled through different speeds like 0.0, 0.3, etc. I am beyond frustrated at this point.

Aug 21, 2011
Update to 'Awful' review
by: Anonymous

The part that the ICON tech sent out arrived on 8/15 and is now replaced in my treadmill today, 8/21. He has not called to check on it but I will test out how it works for a while. Hopefully this is the end of the problem.

Aug 08, 2011
by: Sherrie

Update: A week ago (7/28/2011)I wrote a letter and sent it out to ICON and others. Today I got a call from a tech at ICON who walked me through checking the panel and determined the part that may be needed. He's sending it out a part ASAP and will check back with me next week. He was very nice and knowledgable. I really hope this part fixes the treadmill. Writing letters helps. Updates to come.

Aug 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

a speeding up treadmill can cause you to fall and get hurt, it is a safety issue they should correct.

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Reebok RX6200

by Aunt Nan
(Ontario, Canada)

I purchased this treadmill when it was on an unbelieveable sale price. I had a Weslo prior to the Reebok and the two just don't compare. I am very satisfied with the Reebok and use it 4-6 times for an hour at a time each week. I like the stability, walking belt size and the other interactive functions that enable a user to widely vary the workout without the risk of boredom or fitness plateau. Would I pay full price? Not likely, but then I don't like to pay full retail for most things. But, on sale and for the average user, this unit is a great addition to any exercise and fitness routines.

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by keith
(st charles mo)

I have a reebok 6200 it is 4 years old and the brain is out of it. The repair shop says it is on natinal backorder and is almost $400 plus the labor. It seems that a 4 year old machine would last longer than that. I am very disappointed with the product and the repair cost.

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Don't waste your time or money

The machine are cheaply made. I have had my Reebok treadmill for only 6 months, two of which I have not even been able to use. Customer service at Icon Health and Fitness is TERRIBLE. They keep asking me for the same information that I have already given them three times, but apparently they have not received. So, now I have a machine that I can't use and I paid ALOT of money for.

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