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Open the box first.

by Maurice Udall
(brunswick maine)

I just bought one of these this afternoon at Walmart. I opened the box and removed his treadmill. I removed the unit and noticed some broken pieces of plastic. I continued putting the treadmill together, and on finally assembling it I noticed the rear roller assembly was compleatly broken. The rear sided roller brackets were in pieces. The box that it came in was in pefect shape. This treadmill was damaged before it was boxed up. I called Walmart they said bring it back I disassembled it and returned it, I was offered 10% off on a new one,I demanded 20% and the manager gave in. We inspected the new one before i left the store with a new one. I hope this is worth my blown weekend putting 2 of these together

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Oct 13, 2008
How Did It Go?
by: Anonymous

Your complaint is similar to others here. I said earlier that our treadmill was in very good working condition, but with different stores and employees, you can expect that some particular box and product to be handled a bit rougher that others. Apparently, ours was handled with fairly decent care, and we did not experience any problems whatsoever.

Was the treadmill you got in return better?

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