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Landice L7

by Stuart
(Canberra, ACT, Australia)

Bought a 2nd hand Landice L7 rehab model (2001) from a surplus store for $700. Expected very little, but very, very pleasantly surprised:

- walking motor in top condition;
- incline motor works well
- walking board in superb condition;
- VFX system still good (!)
- Panel + electronics functional

Downside - well, the rehab control panel only has +/- speed and incline; so any running "programs" are manual. Also, looks like the treadmill belt will need replacement (part is about $150) within 6-12 months. Finally, some scratches on one of the incline posts.

However, I knew about the limited control panel + scratches on paint when I bought it, and I expected some parts being close to replacement. The upside is that my wife and I have been using the treadmill now for over a month and it runs/sounds as smooth as the new treadmills I saw in several stores -- unbelievable for a piece of equipment nearly a decade old that has had moderate-to-heavy use in a hospital. This is one awesome treadmill - both in terms of quality and solidity of build.

Our plan is to replace it with a new Landice L7 when it eventually dies -- although by the way it's running, this may be in ANOTHER ten years!

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