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bowflex Treadclimber TC3000

by Vickie
(Morrow, Ohio)

I bought the treadclimber in 2004. I have since replaced the console, motor, circuit board, shocks, drive belt. The rear roller had a bad bearing so I went to replace that but was informed that the rear roller for that model was no longer available. So I scraped the treadclimber at a local scrape yard. Bowflex pretty much said to me sorry about your luck. Very disappointed in Bowflex. I paid good money for a piece of equipment that lasted only 4 years!!!! I thought I bought a quality product from a quality company. I guess I was wrong.

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Mar 19, 2014
Whats the problem Bowflex
by: Anonymous

I brought bowflex treadclimber took it out the boxes used it for 1.5 years and now it stop working. You start it up and it stops in exactly 10 seconds. Can not find the problem and no one can tell you how to fix it. Bowflex sucks a company of its calibor can not fix their product.

Jul 30, 2013
Don't buy a Bowflex!
by: Anonymous

Bought a TC3000 in 2009. We have used it approximately 2.5 years total. We just spent over $550.00 to fix it. Had to replace the control panel and motor. When you pay $1700 for a new product, in its boxes, you expect them to last! And it's very difficult to find someone to service them. My advice, buy from a local department store!

Feb 29, 2012
Bowflex TC3000 fodder for the junkyard
by: Anonymous

I have had nothing but trouble with the Bowflex treadclimber since I bought it. I contacted the company several times but received no help from them. I am out quite a bit of money for a useless peice of equipment. With the kind of garbage they are producing they should be forced out of business.

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