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Bodyguard 5100 treadmill

by Loren

Bodyguard 5100 treadmill

Bodyguard 5100 treadmill

Hello, I am looking for information on a Bodyguard 5100 treadmill.

I have found one for sale that interests me, but first I would like to know if it is a good treadmill.

Thank you in advance for your reply

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Jan 03, 2022
Define good Treadmill
by: DrTreadmill25

The definition of a good treadmill is completely biased. The real question is the application, durability, and costs you want to invest.

As with any ENTRY LEVEL treadmill, designed for extremely lightweight person, using very seldom, mostly a coat rack, the treadmill is asking about is good, or at least when it was brand new with a warranty.

It's like asking about a 1974 Ford Pinto with 325,000 miles. How old it is, abuse it has, FULL INSPECTION of every wearable part, heat damage to the motor & electronics is the biggest question to answer your questions. Just know, that treadmill your asking about was an ENTRY LEVEL treadmill for a non-treadmill purchaser who wants to jump into the fitness world.

Have a professional TREADMILL technician who works and repairs treadmills for at least 5 plus years, not a retail store "expert" or bicycle mechanics, give you an evaluation and cost of reconditioning if needed for a SAFE and intended usage you expect from your fitness need.

Blessings in 2022

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