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Good and long lasting

by Rick Starr
(Knoxville, TN, USA)

I have the Three9Nine, an excellent treadmill I inherited from my mother. She had it for many years, now it's mine. She had asthma, I have asthma, the selling feature for me is that you can dial it down to a very slow speed (or up to 9mph, I believe.)

My previous treadmill, even at the slowest speed, tired me out in 3-4 minutes. I can go 20 minutes or more on this one, which is a big benefit.

In all these years it has never needed a lick of maintenance.

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Athlon Treamills

I have had, and used, my Athlon treamill for over 10 years now. I use it for walking, but my son uses it for running. NEVER had a problem, ever.

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Fine treadmill

I'm no treadmill expert, but the Athlon Simplicity treadmill worked great for me. It has 10 levels of incline and it's a pretty piece to put in the living room so I can watch tv while using it. I never had any issues with it.

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Does anyone know the contact number for Athlon?

by Tom Kim
(Los Angeles, CA)

I have a Athlon 'IQ2' purchased about 9 years ago.
I need a warranty work.
Does anyone have the contact number?
Please help.

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Aug 01, 2009
Info for IQ2
by: Anonymous

Phone # on my warrenty card is(888) 333-1369

Conteex Technical support
PO Box 471
Elvers, PA 19520

Hope this helps

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CFi 200 going 12 years strong

Bought it for my wife who uses it several times a week (nearly every day and sometimes twice a day). The treadmill has now been moved four times (twice cross country) and still functions extremely well. Apart from the normal need to occasionally tighten the belt this treadmill has many fine features including a top speed of 15 MPH and a back-track capability which allows you to walk backward. The only negative about the unit is the inability to fold up out of the way. I have not regretted this purchase once.

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Jun 15, 2015
Need help lubricating CFI 200
by: Randy

I have had the same luck with this model.

Still lasting even though I am lax on maintenance.

Do you have suggestions on best way to get under the belt to lubricate?

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A fractured foot and a lot of $ spent and I cannot use the doggone thing...

by Jo
(Wilmington, DE)

Just when my warranty expired, I had trouble with the Cfi treadmill.

The treadmill stopped abruptly and then as quickly as it stopped, it started up quickly throwing me off. I ended up fracturing my foot. I had a treadmill mechanic check it out spending $$$ for that. I used it two to three times afterward and started having trouble again. I gave up on it. Any ideas how I could get it fixed would be greatly appreciated.

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