The Army Body Fat Worksheet is an important part of the Army weight control program. This form calculates the body fat content of individuals by using standard measurements.
If the results fit the Army’s standards, the individual continues on a maintenance program. If the standards aren't met, then a reduction program is required, with monthly weight loss targets.
There are two forms included in the worksheet. The DA 5500 is specific to males, with the DA 5501 specific to females. For males, the two measurements taken are: abdomen measurement at the navel and neck measurement below the Adam's apple.
The measurements should be rounded down to the nearest .50 percent, and each measurement is taken three times. The average of each measurement is used as the final figure.
The female measurements in form DA 5501 consist of:
Neck measurement below the larynx, abdomen measurement at the smallest circumference, and hip measurement where the buttock muscles protrude the furthest.
As with the male the measurements, they should be rounded down to the nearest .50 percent, and each measurement is taken three times. The average of each measurement is used as the final figure.
The Army has traditionally fostered a military image that is neat and trim. Day-to-day effectiveness and combat readiness depends on having personnel that are healthy and fit.
Using the worksheet is an effective way of tracking progress, as well as attaining weight loss goals.
** Download The Army Body Worksheet Here **
*Microsoft Office Excel Required
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